Kau Gila Sayang

Welcome back good girls and hated boys. Nice greeting for you guy sempena bulan puasa ni. Sorry guys. No good greeting for you all sebab aku tak nampak kebaikan dia. So, sila bersabar.

: No idea why aku letak gambar ni:

No more loving-loving entry. Okay. Aku tipu korang but dah dikira bukan menipu sebab korang dah tahu aku tipu. Sempena fasting month yang awesome ni, let's motivate ourselves. From bad to good one. Dari puasa tak ikhlas kepada puasa yang seikhlas hati sampaikan orang dah azan maghrib pun tak nak bukak lagi sebab ikhlas sangat. Okay. That's too much dude! Don't go overboard. 

Lama sangat dah tak borak dengan teman gosip aku yang paling setia, Rasyaz. She's own a blog too like me. I would like to call her my sayang sebab she the best friend ever. Kegilaan yang dimiliki hampir menyerupai kegilaan aku, that's why we match to each other. Although sometimes kita orang ada jugak bergaduh manja but that's nothing compared to what we had shared together through the year. 

I got to know my sayang masa aku part 2. Masa tu seriously, aku langsung tak kenal dia. Aku lupa macam mana aku boleh rapat dengan dia but we made friend without we know right? Suka sangat melepak dengan dia. She's very bubbly dan kita orang suka sangat story-story. That's why we never end up diam membisu sejuta kata. We never stop talking.

:Friends in need is friends in deed:

Kau memang gila yang AWESOME my sayang! Takkan jumpa someone else yang macam kau. Entry Aku Gadis Epal Tapi Aku Jatuh Cinta is actually based on her idea and I wrote that entry and posted it to my blog. Discrimination I did to her. Hahaha. But the entry really goes to her. Bravo my sayang for your brilliant idea. I think you should change your profession to be an editor. Your idea was AWESOME!  

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