"You can't buy history, Yumi"

A reverend man that grazed his cattle nigh,
Sometime a blusterer that the ruffle knew
Of court, of city, and had let go by
The swiftest hours observed as they flew,
Towards this afflicted fancy fastly drew,
And, privileged by age, desires to know
In brief the grounds and motives of her woe.

(A lover's complaint~William Shakespeare)

How is it? Terpegun dengan poem kat atas ni? Tak payah nak gebang sangat.. Korang faham pon takkan.. Sebab aku sendiri tak berapa nak faham.. It's almost 6 months since I'm being alone here.. Tak adalah teruk sangat.. Teruk sikit je..Well life must go on.. 

Aku ada baca kat this blog, actually my favourite blog ever, let go the love that already pass so you can move on to the next stage.. Bagi aku love is simple.. If you being dump by someone, it not you not good enough it just you are told to be with a better person.. 

Memang tak mudah apatahlagi senang tapi itulah hakikat.. Macam aku sekarang, still hidup dengan kenangan yang dulu.. Macam once upon a time punya fairytale.. Syok memang syok tapi sedih lagi terobek hati... Aku ni jenis yang very open.. Still aku contact lagi dengan ex-ex aku.. Dari yang zaman kuno bercinta pakai surat sampailah zaman penuh IT bercinta guna handphone batu.. Dasyat kan??

Dulu aku selalu fikir aku takkan jumpa orang yang baik macam dia.. Then aku sedar walaupun dalam keadaan mata kuyu-kuyu dah ngantuk, "I wish I could have lots of money".. "And I wish if i could buy the history".. Tapi tu terlalu impossible.. Mission impossible pon tak semacam ni.. Aku selalu jugak memuhasabahkan diri aku ni... (ececeh!).. Love is simple... If people don't want you it means love is not belong too.. Just remember.. "Love is hard to find but when its come by reach it tightly never let it go"..
Sesimple ABC kan? Semudah 123... Lalalalala~

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