Akhirnya, Kami Berpisah.

Aku agak inilah pengakhiran cerita cinta aku. Dulu cerita cinta, now I called it cerita sedih. Sesetengah makhluk Tuhan bila berpisah akan menangis gila babi punya. Rasa hilang nyawa, hilang dunia. Langit yang dulu cerah, rasa kelabu mendung je. Nasi putih tawar rasa bagai manis walaupun tak ditambah apa-apa.

Tapi bukan aku, bukan aku.

Tipulah aku cakap aku tak sedih, sedih tetap ada cuma cara aku hadapi semua ni berbeza. Korang pernah dengar tak, setiap pertemuan pasti akan terjadi perpisah. Ni secara general aku bangkitkan. Apa saja yang kita da, kita milik, cuma sementara. Even handphone Blackberry yang korang sayang gila babi, jaga bagai nyawa sendiri, lambat laun korang kena tukar jugak. Sebab setiap barang ada masa 'expired'. Soon, nak tak nak korang kena let go walaupun benda tu valuable untuk korang.

Macam aku, macam aku.

Tapi aku tak adalah sampai nak menangis. Aku anggap this is as my lesson. Life lesson. Semua orang perlu life lesson, kalau tak macam mana korang nak faham erti tersurat tersirat kehidupan. Ye dak? Well. I know I'm genius.

Clap, clap.

Kisah kami mungkin berakhir disini tapi ni tak bermakna kisah nie habis tamat kat sini. Hidup kami masing-masing masih jauh. He's got his own life, me too. Ini mungkin pengakhiran bagi cerita kami tapi permulaan untuk kisah baru hidup aku, and also hidup dia. It's just about to begin.

Wohoooo, wohooo.
Gambar Google: x dak kena mengena dgn sapa sapa

The reason why we broke up? Calm down guys. Calm down. It's personal and aku tak nak bincangkan kat sini. Just conclude yang kami tak ada jodoh. People could say, you look good together. Memang sesuai dah hang dengan dia. Dan macam-macam tapi the inner problem is invisible. Yes! Invisible.

Jeng, jeng, jeng.

Okay that's it. Tu je. Nothing more to write on. So, just wait next entry. Maybe about, THE NEW GUY I MEET.

Aum, aum.

Bye, bye. ^^

I'm sorry. Forgive me.

Hai people.

It is been quite a long time i didn't wrote in my blog. Got so busy suddenly since final just around the corner. Me got so busy, busy with the assignment, with the presentation, and oh ya! I just came back from a trip. Class trip. But now I was not going to talk about that. I just could say it's awesome.

This evening something happen and make me realize about something. Yah! A very big something. And of course I'm not going to spell the big with the Caps Lock on. NO! okay I just did it.

Okay, I'm not going to call this as an advice because the way she/he talk to me is kind of URGH! I wish I could slap him/her right on the right/ left cheek. Why I keep using this / ? Me, myself don't know. Serabut giler sekarang.

This person came to me and tegurlah the why I behave around my friend and so on. He/she said "Nad you do change from the way you wearing but not the way you behaving". I'm quiet shock and was about to faint. Okay, I'm trying to make the story more interesting. I was shock. But still I realize about that and feel a little bit shame on myself. I admit that sometimes I'm still behave like my old one. Maybe because I'm used to it, it became it a habit. But now I try to change that and sometimes I forget.

I told him/her, "I'm sorry for the way I behave, maybe I was used to it. But thank you for remind me. I'll try to change that." Then he/she replied " Used to it? It's look like you never live like the real muslimin even you are wearing a hijab. You make people wearing hijab look terrible". I was stunt. I know I was wrong for the way I behave but do I deserved to get insult like that. I feel so so so bad. I was about to cry. I make a big mistakes and yes I know about that since you told me but do you have to thrown off those sarcasm words? Do watch you language people.

At first, respect grown on when you try to tegur for kesalahan but then after you dah cakap macam tu, it's seems like I making a wrong decision about you. I could say thank you untuk teguran tu but thanks no thanks, you buat I menyesal pulak.

Seriously, at this moment, I feel like I wanna go home be with my family. They know me better and even they don't like the way I behave, diorang tegur dengan cara berhemah, not using harsh word like you do. How I miss my house, my family. Just remember, nobody can accept your past and your present except the one who closest to you, your family and In sha Allah, Allah S.W.T.